The Lectionary of the Orthodox Church
Genuine Orthodox Church of Africa
The lectionary presented below is that which is used in the True Byzantine Orthodox Church. Manuscript evidence shows that this lectionary system has remained almost exactly the same since the 7th century.
source: The Orthodox Study Bible. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1993: 771-780
PASCHA | |||
The Resurrection of Christ, the Passover (Pascha) of the Lord: Easter | Ac 1.1-8 | Jn 1.1-17 | |
Bright Monday | Ac 1.12-17, 21-26 | Jn 1.18-28 | |
Bright Tuesday | Ac 2.14-21 | Lk 24.12-35 | |
Bright Wednesday | Ac 2.22-36 | Jn 1.35-51 | |
Bright Thursday | Ac 2.38-43 | Jn 3.1-15 | |
Bright Friday | Ac 3.1-8 | Jn 2.12-22 | |
The Life-Giving Spring of the Most Holy Theotokos | Php 2.5-11 | Lk 10.38-42; 11.27, 28 | |
Bright Saturday | Ac 3.11-16 | Jn 3.22-33 | |
Second Sunday of Pascha: Thomas Sunday | Ac 5.12-20 | Jn 20.19-31 | |
Second Week of Pascha | |||
Monday | Ac 3.19-26 | Jn 2.1-11 | |
Tuesday | Ac 4.1-10 | Jn 3.16-21 | |
Commemoration of the Departed | 1Cor 15.39-57 | Jn 5.24-30 | |
Wednesday | Ac 4.13-22 | Jn 5.17-24 | |
Thursday | Ac 4.23-31 | Jn 5.24-30 | |
Friday | Ac 5.1-11 | Jn 5.30-6.2 | |
Saturday | Ac 5.21-33 | Jn 6.14-27 | |
Third Sunday of Pascha: Sunday of the Myrrhbearing Women and Sunday of Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus | Ac 6.17 | Mk 15.43-16.8 | |
Third Week of Pascha | |||
Monday | Ac 6.8-7.5, 47-60 | Jn 4.46-54 | |
Tuesday | Ac 8.5-17 | Jn 6.27-33 | |
Wednesday | Ac 8.18-25 | Jn 6.35-39 | |
Thursday | Ac 8.26-39 | Jn 6.40-44 | |
Friday | Ac 8.40-9.19 | Jn 6.48-54 | |
Saturday | Ac 9.19-31 | Jn 15.17-16.2 | |
Fourth Sunday of Pascha: Sunday of the Paralytic | Ac 9.32-42 | Jn 5.1-15 | |
Fourth Week of Pascha | |||
Monday | Ac 10.1-16 | Jn 6.56-69 | |
Tuesday | Ac 10.21-33 | Jn 7.1-13 | |
Wednesday | Ac 14.6-18 | Jn 7.14-30 | |
Thursday | Ac 10.34-43 | Jn 8.12-20 | |
Friday | Ac 10.44-11.10 | Jn 8.21-30 | |
Saturday | Ac 12.1-11 | Jn 8.31-42 | |
Fifth Sunday of Pascha: Sunday of the Samaritan Woman | Ac 11.19-26, 29-30 | Jn 4.5-42 | |
Fifth Week of Pascha | |||
Monday | Ac 12.12-17 | Jn 8.42-51 | |
Tuesday | Ac 12.25-13.12 | Jn 8.51-59 | |
Wednesday | Ac 13.13-24 | Jn 6.5-14 | |
Thursday | Ac 14.20-27 | Jn 9.39-10.9 | |
Friday | Ac 15.5-34 | Jn 10.17-28 | |
Saturday | Ac 15.35-41 | Jn 10.27-38 | |
Sixth Sunday of Pascha: Sunday of the Blind Man | Ac 16.16-34 | Jn 9.1-38 | |
Sixth Week of Pascha | |||
Monday | Ac 17.1-15 | Jn 11.47-57 | |
Tuesday | Ac 17.19-28 | Jn 12.19-36 | |
Wednesday | Ac 18.22-28 | Jn 12.36-47 | |
Thursday: The Ascension of Our Lord | |||
Vespers | Isa 2.1-3; Isa 62.10-63.9; Zech 14.1, 4, 8-11 |
Matins | Mk 16.9-20 | ||
Liturgy | Ac 1.1-12 | Lk 24.36-53 | |
Friday | Ac 19.1-8 | Jn 14.1-11 | |
Saturday | Ac 20.7-12 | Jn 14.10-21 | |
Seventh Sunday of Pascha: Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council | Ac 20.16-18, 28-36 | Jn 17.1-13 | |
Seventh Week of Pascha | |||
Monday | Ac 21.8-14 | Jn 14.27-15.7 | |
Tuesday | Ac 21.26-32 | Jn 16.2-13 | |
Wednesday | Ac 23.1-11 | Jn 16.15-23 | |
Thursday | Ac 25.13-19 | Jn 16.23-33 | |
Friday | Ac 27.1-44 | ||
Saturday | Ac 28.1-31 | Jn 21.15-25 | |
Sunday of Pentecost: Trinity Sunday. Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Disciples | |||
Vespers | Num 11.16, 17, 24-29; Joel 2.23-32; Ezk 36.24-28 |
Matins | Jn 20.19-23 | ||
Liturgy | Ac 2.1-11 | Jn 7.37-52; 8.12 | |
First Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday: Day of the Holy Spirit | Eph 5.9-19 | Mt 18.10-20 | |
Tuesday | Rom 1.1-7, 13-17 | Mt 4.25-5.13 | |
Wednesday | Rom 1.18-27 | Mt 5.20-26 | |
Thursday | Rom 1.28-2.9 | Mt 5.27-32 | |
Friday | Rom 2.14-29 | Mt 5.33-41 | |
Saturday | Rom 1.7-12 | Mt 5.42-48 | |
First Sunday after Pentecost: Sunday of All Saints | |||
Vespers | Isa 43.9-14; Wis 3.1-9; Wis 5.15-6.3 |
Liturgy | Heb 11.33-12.2 | Mt 10.32, 33, 37, 38; 19.27-30 | |
Second Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | Rom 2.28-3.18 | Mt 6.31-34; 7.9-11 | |
Tuesday | Rom 4.4-12 | Mt 7.15-21 | |
Wednesday | Rom 4.13-25 | Mt 7.21-23 | |
Thursday | Rom 5.10-16 | Mt 8.23-27 | |
Friday | Rom 5.17-6.2 | Mt 9.14-17 | |
Saturday | Rom 3.19-26 | Mt 7.1-8 | |
Second Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Rom 2.10-16 | Mt 4.18-23 | |
Third Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | Rom 7.1-13 | Mt 9.36-10.8 | |
Tuesday | Rom 7.14-8.2 | Mt 10.9-15 | |
Wednesday | Rom 8.1-13 | Mt 10.16-22 | |
Thursday | Rom 8.22-27 | Mt 10.23-31 | |
Friday | Rom 9.6-19 | Mt 10.32-36; 11.1 | |
Saturday | Rom 3.28-4.3 | Mt 7.24-8.4 | |
Third Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Rom 5.1-10 | Mt 6.22-33 | |
Fourth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | Rom 9.18-33 | Mt 11.2-15 | |
Tuesday | Rom 10.11-11.2 | Mt 11.16-20 | |
Wednesday | Rom 11.2-12 | Mt 11.20-26 | |
Thursday | Rom 11.13-24 | Mt 11.27-30 | |
Friday | Rom 11.25-36 | Mt 12.1-8 | |
Saturday | Rom 6.11-17 | Mt 8.14-23 | |
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost: Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils (July 13-19): Liturgy | Rom 6.18-23 | Mt 8.5-13 | |
Fifth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | Rom 12.4, 5, 15-21 | Mt 12.9-13 | |
Tuesday | Rom 14.9-18 | Mt 12.14-16, 22-30 | |
Wednesday | Rom 15.7-16 | Mt 12.38-45 | |
Thursday | Rom 15.17-29 | Mt 12.46-13.3 | |
Friday | Rom 16.1-16 | Mt 13.4-9 | |
Saturday | Rom 8.14-21 | Mt 9.9-13 | |
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Rom 10.1-10 | Mt 8.28-9.1 | |
Sixth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | Rom 16.17-24 | Mt 13.10-23 | |
Tuesday | 1Cor 1.1-9 | Mt 13.24-30 | |
Wednesday | 1Cor 2.9-3.8 | Mt 13.31-36 | |
Thursday | 1Cor 3.18-23 | Mt 13.36-43 | |
Friday | 1Cor 4.5-8 | Mt 13.44-54 | |
Saturday | Rom 9.1-5 | Mt 9.18-26 | |
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Rom 12.6-14 | Mt 9.1-8 | |
Seventh Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | 1Cor 5.9-6.11 | Mt 13.54-58 | |
Tuesday | 1Cor 6.20-7.12 | Mt 14.1-13 | |
Wednesday | 1Cor 7.12-24 | Mt 14.35-15.11 | |
Thursday | 1Cor 7.24-35 | Mt 15.12-21 | |
Friday | 1Cor 7.35-8.7 | Mt 15.29-31 | |
Saturday | Rom 12.1-3 | Mt 10.37-11.1 | |
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Rom 15.1-7 | Mt 9.27-35 | |
Eighth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | 1Cor 9.13-18 | Mt 16.1-6 | |
Tuesday | 1Cor 10.5-12 | Mt 16.6-12 | |
Wednesday | 1Cor 10.12-22 | Mt 16.20-24 | |
Thursday | 1Cor 10.28-11.7 | Mt 16.24-28 | |
Friday | 1Cor 11.8-22 | Mt 17.10-18 | |
Saturday | Rom 13.1-10 | Mt 12.30-37 | |
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | 1Cor 1.10-18 | Mt 14.14-22 | |
Ninth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | 1Cor 11.31-12.6 | Mt 18.1-11 | |
Tuesday | 1Cor 12.12-26 | Mt 18.18-22; 19.1, 2, 13-15 | |
Wednesday | 1Cor 13.4-14.5 | Mt 20.1-16 | |
Thursday | 1Cor 14.6-19 | Mt 20.17-28 | |
Friday | 1Cor 14.26-40 | Mt 21.12-14, 17-20 | |
Saturday | Rom 14.6-9 | Mt 15.32-39 | |
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | 1Cor 3.9-17 | Mt 14.22-34 | |
Tenth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | 1Cor 15.12-19 | Mt 21.18-22 | |
Tuesday | 1Cor 15.29-38 | Mt 21.23-27 | |
Wednesday | 1Cor 16.4-12 | Mt 21.28-32 | |
Thursday | 2Cor 1.1-7 | Mt 21.43-46 | |
Friday | 2Cor 1.12-20 | Mt 22.23-33 | |
Saturday | Rom 15.30-33 | Mt 17.24-18.4 | |
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | 1Cor 4.9-16 | Mt 17.14-23 | |
Eleventh Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | 2Cor 2.4-15 | Mt 23.13-22 | |
Tuesday | 2Cor 2.14-3.3 | Mt 23.23-28 | |
Wednesday | 2Cor 3.4-11 | Mt 23.29-39 | |
Thursday | 2Cor 4.1-6 | Mt 24.13-28 | |
Friday | 2Cor 4.13-18 | Mt 24.27-33, 42-51 | |
Saturday | 1Cor 1.3-9 | Mt 19.3-12 | |
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | 1Cor 9.2-12 | Mt 18.23-35 | |
Twelfth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | 2Cor 5.10-15 | Mk 1.9-15 | |
Tuesday | 2Cor 5.15-21 | Mk 1.16-22 | |
Wednesday | 2Cor 6.11-16 | Mk 1.23-28 | |
Thursday | 2Cor 7.1-10 | Mk 1.29-35 | |
Friday | 2Cor 7.10-16 | Mk 2.18-22 | |
Saturday | 1Cor 1.26-29 | Mt 20.29-34 | |
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost: Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (Oct 11-17): Liturgy | 1Cor 15.1-11 | Mt 19.16-26 | |
Thirteenth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | 2Cor 8.7-15 | Mk 3.6-12 | |
Tuesday | 2Cor 8.16-9.5 | Mk 3.13-19 | |
Wednesday | 2Cor 9.12-10.7 | Mk 3.20-27 | |
Thursday | 2Cor 10.7-18 | Mk 3.28-35 | |
Friday | 2Cor 11.5-12 | Mk 4.1-9 | |
Saturday | 1Cor 2.6-9 | Mt 22.15-22 | |
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | 1Cor 16.13-24 | Mt 21.33-42 | |
Fourteenth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | 2Cor 12.10-19 | Mk 4.10-23 | |
Tuesday | 2Cor 12.20-13.2 | Mk 4.24-34 | |
Wednesday | 2Cor 13.3-13 | Mk 4.35-41 | |
Thursday | Gal 1.1-10, 20-2.5 | Mk 5.1-20 | |
Friday | Gal 2.6-10 | Mk 5.22-24, 35-6.1 | |
Saturday | 1Cor 4.1-5 | Mt 23.1-12 | |
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | 2Cor 1.21-2.4 | Mt 22.1-4 | |
Fifteenth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | Gal 2.11-16 | Mk 5.24-34 | |
Tuesday | Gal 2.21-3.7 | Mk 6.1-7 | |
Wednesday | Gal 3.15-22 | Mk 6.7-13 | |
Thursday | Gal 3.23-4.5 | Mk 6.30-45 | |
Friday | Gal 4.8-21 | Mk 6.45-53 | |
Saturday | 1Cor 4.17-5.5 | Mt 24.1-3 | |
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | 2Cor 4.6-15 | Mt 22.35-46 | |
Sixteenth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | Gal 4.28-5.10 | Mk 6.54-7.8 | |
Tuesday | Gal 5.11-21 | Mk 7.5-16 | |
Wednesday | Gal 6.2-10 | Mk 7.14-24 | |
Thursday | Eph 1.1-9 | Mk 7.24-30 | |
Friday | Eph 1.7-17 | Mk 8.1-10 | |
Saturday | 1Cor 10.23-28 | Mt 24.34-44 | |
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | 2Cor 6.1-10 | Mt 25.14-30 | |
Seventeenth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | Eph 1.22-2.3 | Mk 10.46-52 | |
Tuesday | Eph 2.19-3.7 | Mk 11.11-23 | |
Wednesday | Eph 3.8-21 | Mk 11.23-26 | |
Thursday | Eph 4.14-19 | Mk 11.27-33 | |
Friday | Eph 4.17-25 | Mk 12.1-12 | |
Saturday | 1Cor 14.20-25 | Mt 25.1-13 | |
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | 2Cor 6.16-7.1 | Mt 15.21-28 | |
Eighteenth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | Eph 4.25-32 | Lk 3.19-22 | |
Tuesday | Eph 5.20-26 | Lk 3.23-4.1 | |
Wednesday | Eph 5.25-33 | Lk 4.1-15 | |
Thursday | Eph 5.33-6.9 | Lk 4.16-22 | |
Friday | Eph 6.18-24 | Lk 4.22-30 | |
Saturday | 1Cor 15.39-45 | Lk 4.31-36 | |
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | 2Cor 6.16-7.1 | Mt 15.21-28 | |
Nineteenth Week after Pentecost | |||
Monday | Php 1.1-7 | Lk 4.37-44 | |
Tuesday | Php 1.8-14 | Lk 5.12-16 | |
Wednesday | Php 1.12-20 | Lk 5.33-39 | |
Thursday | Php 1.20-27 | Lk 6.12-19 | |
Friday | Php 1.27-2.4 | Lk 6.17-23 | |
Saturday | 1Cor 15.58-16.3 | Lk 5.17-26 | |
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | 2Cor 11.31-12.9 | Lk 6.31-36 | |
(Note: The Advent Cycle occurs from the twentieth Sunday after Pentecost to the twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost. Consult your local calendars for the exact date.) | |||
Sunday of the Holy Ancestors of Christ: Liturgy | Col 3.4-11 | Lk 14.16-24 | |
Saturday Before the Nativity | Gal 3.8-12 | Lk 13.18-29 | |
Sunday Before Nativity: Sunday of the Holy Fathers: Liturgy | Heb 11.9-10, 17-23, 32-40 | Mt 1.1-25 | |
Eve of the Nativity of Christ (6 January |
Royal Hours: | |||
First Hour | Mic 5.2-4 | Heb 1.1-12 | Mt 1.18-25 |
Third Hour | Bar 3.36-4.4 | Gal 3.23-29 | Lk 2.1-20 |
Sixth Hour | Isa 7.10-16; 8.1-4; 8.8-10 | Heb 1.10-2.3 | Mt 2.1-12 |
Ninth Hour | Isa 9.6, 7 | Heb 2.11-18 | Mt 2.13-23 |
Vespers: | Gen 1.1-13; Num 24.2, 3, 5-9, 17, 18; Mic 4.6, 7; 5.2-4; Isa 11.1-10; Bar 3.36-4.4; Dan 2.31-36, 44, 45; Isa 9.6, 7; Isa 7.10-16, 8.1-4, 8-10; |
Liturgy | Heb 1.1-12 | Lk 2.1-20 | |
The Nativity of Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ (7 January): Liturgy |
Gal 4.4-7 | Mt 2.1-12 | |
Saturday after Nativity | 1Tim 6.11-16 | Mt 12.15-21 | |
Sunday after Nativity | Gal 1.11-19 | Mt 2.13-23 | |
Saturday before Theophany | 1Tim 3.14-4.5 | Mt 3.1-11 | |
Sunday before Theophany | 2Tim 4.5-8 | Mk 1.1-8 | |
Eve of the Theophany (18 January) |
Royal Hours: | |||
First Hour | Isa 35.1-10 | Ac 13.25-32 | Mt 3.1-11 |
Third Hour | Isa 1.16-20 | Ac 19.1-18 | Mk 1.1-8 |
Sixth Hour | Isa 12.3-6 | Rom 6.3-11 | Mk 1.9-15 |
Ninth Hour | Isa 49.8-15 | Tt 2.11-14; 3.4-7 | Mt 3.13-17 |
Vespers | Gen 1.1-13; Ex 14.15-18, 21-23, 27-29; Ex 15.22-27, 16.1; Jos 3.7, 8, 15-17; 2Ki 2.6-14; 2Ki 5.9-14; Isa 1.16-20; Gen 32.1-10; Ex 2.5-10; Jgs 6.36-40; 1Ki 18.30-39; 2Ki 2.19-22; Isa 49.8-15 |
Liturgy | 1Cor 9.19-27 | Lk 3.1-18 | |
Blessing of Water | Isa 35.1-10; Isa 55.1-13; Isa 12.3-6 |
1Cor 10.1-4 | Mk 1.9-11 |
The Holy Theophany of Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ (19 January) |
Matins | Mk 1.9-11 | ||
Liturgy | Tt 2.11-14, 3.4-7 | Mt 3.13-17 | |
Saturday After the Theophany | Eph 6.10-17 | Mt 4.1-11 | |
Sunday After the Theophany: Liturgy | Eph 4.7-13 | Mt 4.12-17 | |
Twentieth Week After Pentecost | |||
Monday | Php 2.12-16 | Lk 6.24-30 | |
Tuesday | Php 2.17-23 | Lk 6.37-45 | |
Wednesday | Php 2.24-30 | Lk 6.46-7.1 | |
Thursday | Php 3.1-8 | Lk 7.17-30 | |
Friday | Php 3.8-19 | Lk 7.31-35 | |
Saturday | 2Cor 1.8-11 | Lk 5.27-32 | |
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Gal 1.11-19 | Lk 7.11-16 | |
Twenty-First Week After Pentecost | |||
Monday | Php 4.10-23 | Lk 7.36-50 | |
Tuesday | Col 1.1, 2, 7-11 | Lk 8.1-3 | |
Wednesday | Col 1.18-23 | Lk 8.22-25 | |
Thursday | Col 1.24-29 | Lk 9.7-11 | |
Friday | Col 2.1-7 | Lk 9.12-18 | |
Saturday | 2Cor 3.12-18 | Lk 6.1-10 | |
Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Gal 2.16-20 | Lk 8.5-15 | |
Twenty-Second Week After Pentecost | |||
Monday | Col 2.13-20 | Lk 9.18-22 | |
Tuesday | Col 2.20-3.3 | Lk 9.23-27 | |
Wednesday | Col 3.17-4.1 | Lk 9.44-50 | |
Thursday | Col 4.2-9 | Lk 9.49-56 | |
Friday | Col 4.10-18 | Lk 10.1-15 | |
Saturday | 2Cor 5.1-10 | Lk 7.1-10 | |
Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Gal 6.11-18 | Lk 16.19-31 | |
Twenty-Third Week After Pentecost | |||
Monday | 1Th 1.1-5 | Lk 10.22-24 | |
Tuesday | 1Th 1.6-10 | Lk 11.1-10 | |
Wednesday | 1Th 2.1-8 | Lk 11.9-13 | |
Thursday | 1Th 2.9-14 | Lk 11.14-23 | |
Friday | 1Th 2.14-19 | Lk 11.23-26 | |
Saturday | 2Cor 8.1-5 | Lk 8.16-21 | |
Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Eph 2.4-10 | Lk 8.26-39 | |
Twenty-Fourth Week After Pentecost | |||
Monday | 1Th 2.20-3.8 | Lk 11.29-33 | |
Tuesday | 1Th 3.9-13 | Lk 11.34-41 | |
Wednesday | 1Th 4.1-12 | Lk 11.42-46 | |
Thursday | 1Th 5.1-8 | Lk 11.47-12.1 | |
Friday | 1Th 5.9-13, 24-28 | Lk 12.2-12 | |
Saturday | 2Cor 11.1-6 | Lk 9.1-6 | |
Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Eph 2.4-22 | Lk 8.41-56 | |
Twenty-Fifth Week After Pentecost | |||
Monday | 2Th 1.1-10 | Lk 12.13-15, 22-31 | |
Tuesday | 2Th 1.10-2.2 | Lk 12.42-48 | |
Wednesday | 2Th 2.1-12 | Lk 12.48-59 | |
Thursday | 2Th 2.13-3.5 | Lk 13.1-9 | |
Friday | 2Th 3.6-18 | Lk 13.31-35 | |
Saturday | Gal 1.3-10 | Lk 9.37-43 | |
Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Eph 4.1-6 | Lk 10.25-37 | |
Twenty-Sixth Week After Pentecost | |||
Monday | 1Tim 1.1-7 | Lk 14.12-15 | |
Tuesday | 1Tim 1.8-14 | Lk 14.25-35 | |
Wednesday | 1Tim 1.18-20; 2.8-15 | Lk 15.1-10 | |
Thursday | 1Tim 3.1-13 | Lk 16.1-9 | |
Friday | 1Tim 4.4-8, 16 | Lk 16.15-18; 17.1-4 | |
Saturday | Gal 3.8-12 | Lk 9.57-62 | |
Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Eph 5.9-19 | Lk 12.16-21 | |
Twenty-Seventh Week After Pentecost | |||
Monday | 1Tim 5.1-10 | Lk 17.20-25 | |
Tuesday | 1Tim 5.11-21 | Lk 17.26-37 | |
Wednesday | 1Tim 5.22-6.11 | Lk 18.15-17, 26-30 | |
Thursday | 1Tim 6.17-21 | Lk 18.31-34 | |
Friday | 2Tim 1.1, 2, 8-18 | Lk 19.12-28 | |
Saturday | Gal 5.22-6.2 | Lk 10.19-21 | |
Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Eph 6.10-17 | Lk 13.10-17 | |
Twenty-Eighth Week After Pentecost | |||
Monday | 2Tim 2.20-26 | Lk 19.37-44 | |
Tuesday | 2Tim 3.16-4.4 | Lk 19.45-48 | |
Wednesday | 2Tim 4.9-22 | Lk 20.1-8 | |
Thursday | Tt 1.5-2.1 | Lk 20.9-18 | |
Friday | Tt 1.15-2.10 | Lk 20.19-26 | |
Saturday | Eph 1.16-23 | Lk 12.32-40 | |
Twenty-Eighth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Col 1.12-18 | Lk 18.35-43 | |
Twenty-Ninth Week After Pentecost | |||
Monday | Heb 3.5-11 | Lk 20.27-44 | |
Tuesday | Heb 4.1-13 | Lk 21.12-19 | |
Wednesday | Heb 5.11-6.8 | Lk 21.5-7, 10, 11, 20-24 | |
Thursday | Heb 7.1-6 | Lk 21.28-33 | |
Friday | Heb 7.18-25 | Lk 21.37-22.8 | |
Saturday | Eph 2.11-13 | Lk 13.18-29 | |
Twenty-Ninth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Col 3.12-16 | Lk 17.12-19 | |
Thirtieth Week After Pentecost | |||
Monday | Heb 8.7-13 | Mk 8.11-21 | |
Tuesday | Heb 9.8-10, 15-23 | Mk 8.22-26 | |
Wednesday | Heb 10.1-18 | Mk 8.30-34 | |
Thursday | Heb 10.35-11.7 | Mk 9.10-16 | |
Friday | Heb 11.8, 11-16 | Mk 9.33-41 | |
Saturday | Eph 5.1-8 | Lk 14.1-11 | |
Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | Col 3.12-16 | Lk 18.18-27 | |
Thirty-First Week After Pentecost | |||
Monday | Heb 11.17, 27-31 | Mk 9.42-10.1 | |
Tuesday | Heb 12.25, 26; 13.22-25 | Mk 10.2-12 | |
Wednesday | Jas 1.1-18 | Mk 10.11-16 | |
Thursday | Jas 1.19-27 | Mk 10.17-27 | |
Friday | Jas 2.1-13 | Mk 10.23-32 | |
Saturday | Col 1.3-6 | Lk 16.10-15 | |
Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | 1Tim 1.15-17 | Lk 18.35-43 | |
Thirty-Second Week After Pentecost | |||
Monday | Jas 2.14-26 | Mk 10.46-52 | |
Tuesday | Jas 3.1-10 | Mk 11.11-23 | |
Wednesday | Jas 3.11-4.6 | Mk 11.23-26 | |
Thursday | Jas 4.7-5.9 | Mk 11.27-33 | |
Friday | 1Pt 1.1, 2, 10-12; 2.6-10 | Mk 12.1-12 | |
Saturday | 1Th 5.14-23 | Lk 17.3-10 | |
Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost: Liturgy | 1Tim 4.9-15 | Lk 19.1-10 | |
(Note: If Theophany readings still apply or Pascha is later, Zacchaeus Sunday may be moved to a later date. Consult a current calendar. Zacchaeus Sunday is the Sunday before the Triodion.) | |||
Week before Triodion: Week of the Publican and Pharisee | |||
(Note: Scripture readings for the Week of the Publican and Pharisee are the same as readings for the Thirty-Third Week After Pentecost) | |||
Monday | 1Pt 2.21-3.9 | Mk 12.13-17 | |
Tuesday | 1Pt 3.10-22 | Mk 12.18-27 | |
Wednesday | 1Pt 4.1-11 | Mk 12.28-37 | |
Thursday | 1Pt 4.12-5.5 | Mk 12.38-44 | |
Friday | 2Pt 1.1-10 | Mk 13.1-8 | |
Saturday | 2Tim 2.11-19 | Lk 18.2-8 | |
Tenth Sunday Before Easter: Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee: Liturgy | 2Tim 3.10-15 | Lk 18.10-14 | |
Week of the Prodigal Son | |||
Monday | 2Pt 1.20-2.9 | Mk 13.9-13 | |
Tuesday | 2Pt 2.9-22 | Mk 13.14-23 | |
Wednesday | 2Pt 3.1-18 | Mk 13.24-31 | |
Thursday | 1Jn 1.8-2.6 | Mk 13.31-14.2 | |
Friday | 1Jn 2.7-17 | Mk 14.3-9 | |
Saturday | 2Tim 3.1-9 | Lk 20.45-21.4 | |
Sunday of the Prodigal Son: Liturgy | 1Cor 6.12-20 | Lk 15.11-32 | |
Meat Fare Week | |||
Monday | 1Jn 2.18-3.10 | Mk 11.1-11 | |
Tuesday | 1Jn 3.11-20 | Mk 14.10-42 | |
Wednesday | 1Jn 3.21-4.6 | Mk 14-43-15.1 | |
Thursday | 1Jn 4.20-5.21 | Mk 15.1-15 | |
Friday | 2Jn .1-13 | Mk 15.22-25, 33-41 | |
Saturday | 1Cor 10.23-28 | Lk 21.8, 9, 25-27, 33-36 | |
Commemoration of the Departed | 1Th 4.13-17 | Jn 5.24-30 | |
Meat Fare Sunday: Liturgy | 1Cor 8.8-9.2 | Mt 25.31-46 | |
Cheese Fare Week | |||
Monday | 3Jn .1-14 | Lk 19.29-40; 22.7-39 | |
Tuesday | Jude .1-10 | Lk 22.39-42, 45-23.1 | |
Wednesday | Joel 2.12-16; Joel 3.12-21 |
Thursday | Jude .11-25 | Lk 23.2-34, 44-56 | |
Friday | Zech 8.7-14 | Zech 8.19-23 | |
Saturday | Rom 14.19-23; 16.25-27 | Mt 6.1-13 | |
Commemoration of All the Holy and Godbearing Fathers Who Shone Forth in the Ascetic Life | Gal 5.22-6.2 | Mt 11.27-30 | |
Sunday: Seventh Sunday Before Easter (Also Forgiveness Sunday): Liturgy | Rom 13.11-14.4 | Mt 6.14-21 | |
First Week of Great Lent | |||
Monday | Isa 1.1-20; Gen 1.1-13; Pr 1.1-20 |
Tuesday | Isa 1.19-2.3; Gen 1.14-23; Pr 1.20-33 |
Wednesday | Isa 2.3-11; Gen 1.24-2.3; Pr 2.1-22 |
Thursday | Isa 2.11-22; Gen 2.4-19; Pr 3.1-18 |
Friday | Isa 3.1-14; Gen 2.20-3.20; Pr 3.19-34 |
Saturday | Heb 1.1-12 | Mk 2.23-3.5 | |
First Sunday of Great Lent: Sunday of Orthodoxy: Liturgy | Heb 11.24-26, 32-12.2 | Jn 1.43-51 | |
Second Week of Great Lent | |||
Monday | Isa 4.2-6, 5.1-7; Gen 3.21-4.7; Pr 3.34-4.22 |
Tuesday | Isa 5.7-16; Gen 4.8-15; Pr 5.1-15 |
Wednesday | Isa 5.16-26; Gen 4.16-26; Pr 5.15-6.3 |
Thursday | Isa 6.1-12; Gen 5.1-24; Pr 6.3-20 |
Friday | Isa 7.1-14; Gen 5.32-6.8; Pr 6.20-7.1 |
Saturday | Heb 3.12-16 | Mk 1.35-44 | |
Second Sunday of Great Lent: Commemoration of St. Gregory Palamas: Liturgy | Heb 1.10-2.3 | Mk 2.1-12 | |
Third Week of Great Lent | |||
Monday | Isa 8.13-9.7; Gen 6.9-22; Pr 8.1-21 |
Tuesday | Isa 9.9-10.4; Gen 7.1-5; Pr 8.32-9.11 |
Wednesday | Isa 10.12-20; Gen 7.6-9; Pr 9.12-18 |
Thursday | Isa 11.10-12.2; Gen 7.11-8.3; Pr 10.1-22 |
Friday | Isa 13.2-13; Gen 8.4-21; Pr 10.31-11.12 |
Saturday | Heb 10.32-38 | Mk 2.14-17 | |
Third Sunday of Great Lent: Adoration of the Holy Cross: Liturgy | Heb 4.14-5.6 | Mk 8.34-9.1 | |
Fourth Week of Great Lent | |||
Monday | Isa 14.24-32; Gen 8.21-97; Pr 11.19-12.6 |
Tuesday | Isa 25.1-9; Gen 9.8-17; Pr 12.8-22 |
Wednesday | Isa 26.21-27.9; Gen 9.18-10.1; Pr 12.23-13.9 |
Thursday | Isa 28.14-22; Gen 10.32-11.9; Pr 13.20-14.6 |
Friday | Isa 29.13-23; Gen 12.1-7; Pr 14.15-26 |
Saturday | Heb 6.9-12 | Mk 7.31-37 | |
Fourth Sunday of Great Lent: Commemoration of Saint John of the Ladder: Liturgy | Heb 6.13-20 | Mk 9.17-31 | |
Fifth Week of Great Lent | |||
Monday | Isa 37.33-38.6; Gen 13.12-18; Pr 14.27-15.4 |
Tuesday | Isa 40.18-31; Gen 15.1-15; Pr 15.7-19 |
Wednesday | Isa 41.4-14; Gen 17.1-9; Pr 15.20-16.9 |
Thursday | Isa 42.5-16; Gen 18.20-33; Pr 16.17-17.17 |
Friday | Isa 45.11-17; Gen 22.1-18; Pr 17.17-18.5 |
Saturday | Heb 9.24-28 | Mk 8.27-31 | |
Fifth Sunday of Great Lent: Commemoration of Saint Mary of Egypt: Liturgy | Heb 9.11-14 | Mk 10.32-45 | |
Sixth Week of Great Lent | |||
Monday | Isa 48.17-49.4; Gen 27.1-41; Pr 19.16-25 |
Tuesday | Isa 49.6-10; Gen 31.3-16; Pr 21.3-21 |
Wednesday | Isa 58.1-11; Gen 43.26-31; 45.1-16; Pr 21.23-22.4 |
Thursday | Isa 65.8-16; Gen 46.1-7; Pr 23.15-24.5 |
Friday | Isa 66.10-24; Gen 49.33-50.26; Pr 31.8-31 |
Saturday of Saint Lazarus the Righteous | Heb 12.28-13.8 | Jn 11.1-45 | |
The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem: Palm Sunday | |||
Vespers | Gen 49.1, 2, 8-12; Zeph 3.14-19; Zech 9.9-15 |
Matins | Mt 21.1-11, 15-17 | ||
Liturgy | Php 4.4-9 | Jn 12.1-18 | |
Holy Monday: | |||
Matins | Mt 21.18-43 | ||
Sixth Hour | Ezk 1.1-20 | ||
Vespers | Ex 1.1-20; Job 1.1-12 |
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts |
Mt 24.3-35 | ||
Holy Tuesday: | |||
Matins | Mt 22.15-23.39 | ||
Sixth Hour | Ezk 1.21-2.1 | ||
Vespers | Ex 2.5-10; Job 1.13-22 |
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts |
Mt 24.36-26.2 | ||
Holy Wednesday: | |||
Matins | Jn 12.17-50 | ||
Sixth Hour | Ezk 2.3-3.3 | ||
Vespers | Ex 2.11-22; Job 2.1-10 |
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts |
Mt 26.6-16 | ||
Holy Thursday: | |||
Matins | Lk 22.1-39 | ||
First Hour | Jer 11.18-12.5, 9-11, 14, 15 | ||
Vespers | Ex 19.10-19; Job 38.1-23, 42.1-5; Isa 50.4-11 |
Liturgy of Saint Basil | 1Cor 11.23-32 | Mt 26.1-20; Jn 13.3-17; Mt 26.21-39; Lk 22.43-45; Mt 26.40-27.2 |
Holy Friday (Thursday Evening) The Twelve Passion Gospels | 1.) Jn 13.31-18.1 2.) Jn 18.1-28 3.) Mt 26.57-75 4.) Jn 18.28-19.16 5.) Mt 27.3-32 6.) Mk 15.16-32 7.) Mt 27.33-54 8.) Lk 23.32-49 9.) Jn 19.25-37 10.) Mk 15.43-47 11.) Jn 19.38-42 12.) Mt 27.62-66 |
HOLY FRIDAY: The Royal Hours |
First Hour | Zech 11.10-13 | Gal 6.14-18 | Mt 27.1-56 |
Third Hour | Isa 50.4-11 | Rom 5.6-11 | Mk 15.16-41 |
Sixth Hour | Isa 52.13-54.1 | Heb 2.11-18 | Lk 23.32-49 |
Ninth Hour | Jer 11.18-23; 12.1-5, 9-11, 14, 15 |
Heb 10.19-31 | Jn 18.28-19.37 |
Vespers | Ex 33.11-23; Job 42.12-16; Isa 52.13-54.1 |
1Cor 1.18-2.2 | Mt 27.1-38; Lk 23.39-43; Mt 27.39-54; Jn 19.31-37; Mt 27.55-61 |
Matins | Ezk 37.1-14 | 1Cor 5.6-8; Gal 3.13, 14 |
Mt 27.62-66 |
Vespers | Gen 1.1-13; Isa 60.1-16; Ex 12.1-11; Book of Jonah; Jos 5.10-15; Ex 13.20-15.19; Zeph 3.8-15; 1Ki 17.8-24; Isa 61.10-62.5; Gen 22.1-18; Isa 61.1-9; 2Ki 4.8-37; Isa 63.11-64.5; Jer 31.31-34; Dan 3.1-23 and the Song of the Holy Children .24-68 (Apocrypha) |
GREAT AND HOLY SATURDAY: Liturgy | Rom 6.3-11 | Mt 28.1-20 | |
The Meeting of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (15 February) |
Vespers | Ex 12.51-13.3, 10-12, 14-16, 22-29; Lev 12.1-4, 6-8; Num 8.16, 17; Isa 6.1-12; Isa 19.1-5, 12, 16, 19-21 |
Matins | Lk 2.25-32 | ||
Liturgy | Heb 7.7-17 | Lk 2.22-40 | |
The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (7 April) |
Vespers: Parables of the Feast |
Gen 28.10-17; Ezk 43.27-44.4; Pr 9.1-11 |
Vespers | Ex 3.1-8; Pr 8.22-30 |
Matins | Lk 1.39-49, 56 | ||
Liturgy | Heb 2.11-18 | Lk 1.24-38 | |
The Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul (12 July) |
Vespers | 1Pt 1.3-9; 1Pt 1.13-19; 1Pt 2.11-24 |
Matins | Jn 21.15-25 | ||
Liturgy | 2Cor 11.21-12.9 | Mt 16.13-19 | |
The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ (19 August) |
Vespers | Ex 24.12-18; Ex 33.11-23; 34.4-6, 8; 1Ki 19.3-9, 11-13, 15, 16 |
Matins | Lk 9.28-36 | ||
Liturgy | 2Pt 1.10-19 | Mt 17.1-9 | |
The Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (28 August) |
Vespers | Gen 28.10-17; Ezk 43.27-44.4; Pr 9.1-11 |
Matins | Lk 1.39-49, 56 | ||
Liturgy | Php 2.5-11 | Lk 10.38-42; 11.27, 28 | |
The Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (21 September) |
(Readings are the same as for Dormition: ) | |||
Vespers | Gen 28.10-17; Ezk 43.27-44.4; Pr 9.1-11 |
Matins | Lk 1.39-49, 56 | ||
Liturgy | Php 2.5-11 | Lk 10.38-42; 11.27, 28 | |
Saturday Before the Exaltation of the Cross | 1Cor 2.6-9 | Mt 10.37-11.1 | |
Sunday Before the Exaltation of the Cross | Gal 6.11-18 | Jn 3.13-17 | |
The Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross (27 September) |
Vespers | Ex 15.22-27; Pr 3.11-18; Isa 60.11-16 |
Matins | Jn 12.28-36 | ||
Liturgy | 1Cor 1.18-24 | Jn 19.6-11, 13-20, 25-28, 30-35 | |
Saturday After the Exaltation of the Cross | 1Cor 1.26-29 | Jn 8.21-30 | |
Sunday After the Exaltation of the Cross | Gal 2.16-20 | Mk 8.34-9.1 | |
The Protection of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (14 October) |
Vespers and Matins, same as Dormition, above |
Vespers | Gen 28.10-17; Ezk 43.27-44.4; Pr 9.1-11 |
Matins | Lk 1.39-49, 56 | ||
Liturgy | Heb 9.1-7 | Lk 10.38-42; 11.27, 28 | |
The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple (4 December) |
Vespers | Ex 40.1-5, 9, 10, 16, 34, 35; 1Ki 7.51, 8.1, 3-7, 9-11; Ezk 43.27-44.4 |
Matins | Lk 1.39-49, 56 | ||
Liturgy | Heb 9.1-7 | Lk 10.38-42, 11.27, 28 | |
Most Holy Theotokos | |||
Matins | Lk 1.39-49, 56 | ||
Liturgy | Php 2.5-11 or Heb 9.1-7 | Lk 10.38-42; 11.27, 28 | |
Apostles | 1Cor 4.9-16 | Lk 10.1-15 or Lk 10.16-21 | |
Holy Monks | Gal 5.22-6.2 | Mt 11.27-30 or Lk 6.17-23 (St. Basil 1-14 January) or Mt 7.12-21 (St. Andrew of Crete 4-17 July) |
Holy Nuns | Gal 3.23-29 | Mt 25.1-13 or Lk 7.36-50 | |
Holy Confessors | Eph 6.10-17 | Lk 12.8-12 | |
Holy Martyr | 2Tim 2.1-10 or Ac 12.1-11 | Lk 12.1-12 or Jn 15.17-16.2 |
Holy Martyrs | Rom 8.28-39 | Mt 10.16-22 or Lk 21.12-19 |
Hieromartyr | Heb 13.7-16 | Lk 12.32-40 | |
Hieromarytyrs | Heb 5.4-10 or Php 3.20-4.3 | Lk 6.17-23 or Lk 10.22-24 or Lk 14.25-35 |
Monk Martyr | 1Tim 1.8-18 | Mk 8.34-9.1 | |
Monk Martyrs | Rom 8.28-39 | Mt 10.32, 33, 37, 38, 19.27-30 or Lk 12.8-12 | |
Female Martyrs | 2Cor 6.1-10 or Gal 3.23-29 | Mt 15.21-28 or Mk 5.24 | |
Holy Unmercenary Healers | 1Cor 12.27-13.8 | Mt 10.1, 5-8 | |
Prophets | 1Cor 14.20-25; Heb 6.13-20 or Jas 5.10-20 |
Mt 23.29-39 or Lk 11.47-54 |
St. John the Baptist | |||
Conception (6 October) |
Gal 4.22-31 | Lk 1.5-25 | |
Nativity (7 July) |
Vespers | Gen 17.15-17, 19, 18.11-14; 21.1-8; Jgs 13.2-8, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21; Isa 40.1-3, 9, 41.17, 18, 45.8, 48.20, 21, 54.1 |
Matins | Lk 1.24, 25, 57-68, 76, 80 | ||
Liturgy | Rom 13.11-14.4 | Lk 1.1-15, 57-68, 76, 80 | |
Beheading (11 September) |
Matins | Mt 14.1-13 | ||
Liturgy | Ac 13.25-32 | Mk 6.14-30 | |
First and Second Finding (7 March) |
Third Finding of the Honorable Head (11 June) |
Matins | Lk 7.17 | ||
Liturgy | 2Cor 4.6-12 | Mt 11.2-15 | |
Vespers for both above | Isa 40.1-3, 9, 41.17, 18, 45.8, 48.20, 21, 54.1; Mal 3.1-3, 5-7, 12, 18, 4.4-6; Wis 4.7, 16, 17, 19, 20, 5.1-7 |
Archangels (21 November, etc.) |
Heb 2.2-10 | Lk 10.16-21 or Mt 13.24-30, 36, 43 |
Hierarch: St. John Chrysostom (26 November), St. Sava of Serbia (27 January), et al. Also see St. Aphrahat of Persia. |
Heb 7.26-8.2 | Jn 10.9-16. | |
Matins | Jn 21.15-25 | ||
Hierarchs: St. Nicholas of Myra (19 December), Sts. Cyril and Methodius, St. Athanasius, et al. |
Matins | Jn 10.1-9 | ||
Liturgy | Heb 13.17-21 | Mt 5.14-19; Jn 10.9-16 or Lk 6.17-23 |
Commemoration of the Departed | |||
Monday | Rom 16.6-9 | Jn 5.17-24 | |
Tuesday | 1Cor 15.39-57 | Jn 5.24-30 | |
Wednesday | 2Cor 5.1-10 | Jn 6.35-39 | |
Thursday | 1Cor 15.20-28 | Jn 6.40-44 | |
Friday | 1Cor 15.47-57 | Jn 6.48-54 | |
Saturday | 1Th 4.13-17 | Jn 5.24-30 |